Course: School of Motion's Cinema 4D Basecamp

Session Attended: Spring 2020


Instructor: EJ Hassenfratz

TA: Luis Miranda

Topics Covered: This course is catered to students with little to no experience with Cinema 4D. The course covered the fundamentals of modeling, lighting, materials, 3D animation, Mograph, scene management, cameras and composition, and workflow between C4D and After Effects.

  • Back To the Future VHS Tape and Magnetic Tape (seen above) modeled with splines and primitives; Hyperkin RetroN 77 console, joystick and cartridge modeled from photo references. Do not own the Back to the Future nor the River Raid images used for sticker textures (Back to the Future is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios and U-Drive Joint venture. All Rights Reserved; River Raid is a copyright of Activision, Inc. All Rights Reserved).

  • Imported my two logo designs, Moshin and Shinnovation (seen above) from Adobe Illustrator into C4D, and converted them into 3D models using splines and extrude. Applied texture and lighting lessons to logo designs (i.e. reflective textures and softboxes/sky HDRI lighting, respectively).


Cinema 4D Ascent